Monday, January 24, 2011

Hot Rolls!

Do you have a Kitchen Aid mixer? Save for one, it is worth it! I make everything in this absolutely useful indispensable workhorse! I have a long history with my Kitchen Aid mixer. Her name is Gertie, after an old Ford LTD, I used to drive. Yes, she is a bit cumbersome- she might even do a counter top dance- if you kick her in high gear. Like an old friend, newer models have come along but never have lured me away!  We have a reliable history . Gertie has been through my kitchen triumphs and tragedies. I might falter but she has never let me down.
This recipe is straight out of my manual/recipe book. I have changed some things around. I know somethings about dough. Not the Suze Orman kind. I would go out after work and people ask, "Are you a mudder/sander/drywall girl"! I always had flour, dry batter or dough stuck to my hair and clothes. I was simply an overzealous flour pitchin, some what inexperienced** Baker! Here we go........

1/2 cup of milk
1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup butter
2-3 cups all purpose flour + bench flour a couple of tablespoons.
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 package of fresh active dry yeast
1 tablespoon olive oil

Combine milk, water, and butter in a small sauce pan. Heat on low. Make sure the liquids are warm. DO NOT SCALD OR BOIL. Be gentle! Just warm (120 degrees). It is fine if your butter does not melt all the way.
In your mixer bowl add 1/2 of the flour, sugar,salt, and yeast. Use your dough hook and turn on to speed 2. Slowly add wet ingredients. Then gradually add the remaining flour. Crank her up to 3 or 4 and let the dough whirl around for 3 minutes. Lightly oil your dough, cover with plastic wrap, and leave the hook in the bowl. In about 15 minutes give the dough another whirl for about 3 minutes. Grease a baking pan with the remaing oil. Pinch mandarin orange size pieces. Roll around in your hand until the are smooth. Place in pan spaced apart. Let rise in your oven. My oven is gas so the pilot lite heat is essential for rising. You do not have a gas oven. Have no fear. Only patience is needed. Time will proof all dough. I let them proof for about an hour! Crank your oven up to a fiery 425 degrees. That is why it is great to bake bread in the winter. Mine cook in around 13 to 15 minutes.

Truth be told, there are a couple of ideas that you need to experience to be successful with dough. Dry to wet ratio and using the freshest yeast possible. It is not hard to understand, but experience can not be substituted. Get in your kitchen and play! It may not be a Picasso. But who ever buttered a painting and made the yummy face! Remember, you can ROCK THAT PLATE!

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